

The Project, Third phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-III) is fully integrated with the Twelveth Five-year Plan objectives for Technical Education as a key component for improving the quality of Engineering Education in existing institutions. Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Institute of Technology (LNJPIT) is one of the colleges selected for TEQIP-III Program. Under this program, 31 new faculties have joined LNJPIT. TEQIP-III aims to upscale and support ongoing efforts of GOI to improve quality of technical education and enhance existing capacities of the institutions to become dynamic, demand-driven, quality conscious, efficient and forward-looking, responsive to rapid economic and technological developments occurring both at national and international levels.


1. Strengthening Institutions to produce high-quality engineers for better employability.
2. Scaling-up postgraduate education and demand-driven Research & Development and Innovation.
3. Establishing Centers of Excellence for focused applicable research
Training of faculty for Effective Teaching.
4. Enhancing Institutional and System Management effectiveness.

TEQIP Coordinator.

Contact no.: 8986489766
Email-id: [email protected],