

Assistant professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering

9431493883   |   [email protected]

M.Tech (BIT Mesra)
B. Tech (RPSIT Patna)
Subject Expertise
CAD/CAM, Engg.Graphics, Machine Design & Machine Drawing
Area Of Research
Design of Mechanical Equipments
Professional Experience
07 years
Projects Executed
List Of Publications
07/08/2020 : Machine Drawing Course File
Machine Drawing Course File for 3rd Semester
07/08/2020 : CAD/CAM Course File
Course file of CAD/CAM
07/05/2020 : Design of Helical Gear
Design of Helical Gear
07/05/2020 : Design of Gear
Design of Spur Gears
07/05/2020 : Design of I C Engine Parts
Design of IC Engine parts
07/05/2020 : EG&D Quiz-1
Quiz for Engineering Graphics
07/05/2020 : MSD Quiz-1
Quiz for MSD
04/05/2020 : Design of Gear Box
Design of Gear Box
26/04/2020 : EG&D Assignment-II
Assignment of Engineering Graphics
26/04/2020 : MSD Assignment-II
MSD Assignment -II
26/04/2020 : EG&D Assignment-I
Engineering Graphics Assignment-I
18/04/2020 : MSD Assignment I
MSD Assignments of given topics
18/04/2020 : Bearing Types:Roller contact bearing
MSD pdf notes of Roller contact bearing
18/04/2020 : Bearing
MSD pdf notes of Topic Bearing Types
15/04/2020 : Design of Flywheel
Pdf notes of flywheel topic
15/04/2020 : Chain Drive and Brackets
Pdf notes of Chain Drive and Brackets
06/04/2020 : MSD pdf
Pdf Notes
06/04/2020 : Engineering Graphics & Design
Pdf Book